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Friday, May 28, 2010

Mother always knows best :38 weeks 5 days

Today doctor Breed called me. He said he was concerned about Thurstons oxygen needs and felt that by now he should have a lot less. He has been needing about 40-50 percent and what they want him to be at is in the 20's(we breath in 21 percent oxygen). He said that he noticed Thurston always arching his back and he suspected that he might have reflux which often times will make a child's oxygen intake increase due to silent aspirations...........WHAT....I was actually quite livid, not at Dr. Breed as I had not seen him in a while(we have about 5-6 doctors that rotate shifts) but because I have been bringing this up for about 3 weeks now as I have noticed his back arching, face writhing in pain, he has looked like he has been gagging a lot lately, and he has frothy bubbles at his mouth that have looked whitish, as if he had spit up. I have brought this up to all of the nurses, the nurse practitioners, I think I asked one of the doctors about it and also the Occupational Therapist, and all of them told me that they did NOT think it was reflux and because he is still ng tube fed, that it was highly unlikely. So now Dr. Breed is putting him on prevacaid and said that if it is reflux we should notice a difference in his arching and his oxygen levels within a couple of weeks. Seriously when am I going to listen to my instincts and just be more forceful about them. Dont get me wrong, I know all of them have a ton of experience and education and if it were not for them my son would not be here, but no one can take a way that gut instinct a mother has for her child. No amount of education or experience overrides that innate ability.


  1. Thank God for Mother's Instinct!

  2. I agree completely. I can understand how frustrating it must be for you to have to depend on others for everything with regard to YOUR baby. This is an amazing account, thank you for sharing,and bless your sweet heart. I am so grateful for Ami =) Can't wait for him to come home, for all of you. I love you.
