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Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday or The flying monkeys return or follow the yellow brick road///.......

Yes those damn flying monkeys came swiftly and stealthily back and again have taken our sweet Thurston for another harrowing ride to go and see the wicked witch of the west.

Well we were only home for 4 days and Thurston we think aspirated on his own saliva and within minutes he went up to 3 liters. We called 911 and he was admitted and slowly but surely he had to be put back on high flow and he is now on 12 liters. I am a complete mess. I feel like it just keeps happening over and over again like we are on the yellow brick road except it just keeps winding around and around and around in circles never ever ending. I feel like not writing in my blog anymore and just telling everyone to keep rereading it from the beginning because we are in continual repeat mode. When will the nightmare end, I am not even upset that he had to go back to the hospital if it was just for something minor or non-life threatening but at this rate we are just not sure of his outcome. Please someone give me a damn bucket of water so I can kill that damn wicked witch once and for all. Please keep him in your prayers and thank you for all of your support.


  1. Praying Donna... praying. Let me know if there is anything that I can do and I love you.

  2. He is and all of you are. keep your chin up sis.. rest it on those with you wish I could give you a big hug now

  3. Donna, I'm so sorry to hear this. I will be continually praying for Thurston. If I could give you that bucket of water, I sure would. Sending you lots of love and prayers - Michelle

  4. Oh No!!! Praying! I am humming "You are my sunshine" just for him. Please heal fast Thurston. ~Heidi Parrish

  5. Praying for you! sending hugs your way...Dawn

  6. I cannot imagine how frustating this must be. We are keeping little Thurston in our prayers. Hang in there little buddy! We love you!!

  7. Praying for you all!

  8. I'll be concentrating on melting that damn wicked witch down to a putrid little puddle. Get better sweet little man! So many people are are on your side!

  9. praying the Lord gives you great strength and peace, and that Thurston continues to heal and be strengthened.
