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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Double Noahs Ark Day!!!!!!38 weeks 3 days

Yesterday was Thurston's Noahs Ark Day. I nicknamed this day because he has been in the NICU now for 80 days and 80 nights. The time here has felt nothing short of a catastrophic flood. The tears I have cried probably could have filled his tiny little room full, his little ark incubator keeping him afloat......the medical equipment climbing aboard 2 by 2, 2 by 2 oxygen masks, 2 by 2 ng tubes, 2 by 2 needles etc.
I was very frustrated last night before I arrived at the NICU. Chad had to work very late (poor guy) so that meant me going in very late(midnight). I actually dont mind the late hours as much as the driving at night. It kind of creeps me out like the beginning scene from "Lost Highway", the car lights barely bouncing off of the road, and everything around a complete very David Lynch. Maybe I should of just threw in the soundtrack for good measure....make it even that much more ominous. The drive truly is a grind.
Anyway, Thurston is now up to 4 pounds 3 ounces and he is getting used to the cpap again. It sure looks uncomfortable. There truly is no adult that could handle this much pain. These babies go through so much!!!!!!! As for my visit, Thurston had his favorite Nurse, Ami(pronounced like the french for friend). She told me she was born during a Boston snow storm in a taxi cab and her mom had drank a half bottle of tequila during her contractions cause they couldnt make it to the hospital. She apparently was so out of it, she named her after the soap, bon ami. A nurse convinced her to leave out the bon part. But I feel, she truly is a good friend, to me and to my sweet boy. When I had walked in she had just finished giving him a bath and a theraputic massage with olive oil. None of the other nurses do that for him. She and Thurston have such a special relationship, I asked the charge nurse if she could be his one and only..........and so she shall. Thurston was very happy about that. We got to snuggle and that made the whole drive there so worth it!!!!!!!

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